esmaspäev, 21. aprill 2008

The Tulips' Symphony

On April 19 2008 , I was with my students to visit The Tulips' Symphony in Pitesti , a wonderful town from Romania. 5000 pupils from Pitesti took part into a "dance of the flowers", wearing white T-shirts and jeans , dancing for three or four minutes. They managed to enter Guiness World Records.

My Name

My family name is Ittu , a rare name in Romania and my first name is Alina Silvia.
Usage: German , Italian, Polish , Romanian.
Pet form of Adelina , meaning " noble". The Romanian name Alina means " to soothe ".
Gender: Feminine
Usage: Italian , Portuguese , Romanian , Slovak , English , German , Ancient Roman ,Roman Mythology.
Feminine form of Silvius. Rhea Silvia was the mother of Romulus and Remus , the founders of Rome.This was also the name of a 6th- century saint , the mother of the pope Gregory the Great.
I am a teacher of English at School " George Toparceanu" Mioveni , a small town from Romania.
Look at our school webpage:

teisipäev, 15. aprill 2008

Our teacher's names

In our school, there are 65 teachers. The woman widespread name is Tiiu (old Estonian national name), Tiina (old Estonian national name, too) and Sirje.

Look at our school webpage

neljapäev, 10. aprill 2008

kolmapäev, 9. aprill 2008

Hello Poland

Nice to have a partnership with you!


Make a story "How did I get my name" in wiki

Creat a story and publish it in our wiki.
I'll send to everyone invitations.

teisipäev, 8. aprill 2008

esmaspäev, 7. aprill 2008

The hidden power of a names

Mind and thought have their origin in an abstract plane of conscious intelligence, which comes into manifest form through the symbols of language. The brain is not the source of the mind, but merely the physical instrument of the mind. When name is attached to an individual, certain specific forces of conscious intelligence are combined. They constitute the nucleus of the mind. The conscious forces combined by the name can be represented by a numerical formula in much the same way as the basic chemical elements combined in a chemical compound can be represented by a chemical formula. The mental characteristics of an individual can be read from the numerical formula representing the person's name, just as the characteristics of a chemical compound can be read from its chemical formula.

Romania - How did I get my name

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